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Showing posts with the label Marriage Troubles


Planetary position that indicates Marriage troubles for the Mithuna Lagna (Gemini Rising) natives: 1. The Guru getting placed in the Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aries. 2. The presence of  Guru and Mars in the Cancer and the Sagittarius. 3. The association of Shani and/or Mars with the Guru in any zodiac signs. But the placement in Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries and Taurus would be devastating. 4. The Parivartana Yoga (interchange of houses) between /Shani/Mars with the Guru. 5. The Guru getting placed in the Capricorn in the Navamsa chart. Also Guru getting placed in the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house from the Navamsa Lagna. 6. The Guru/Moon traversing in the 22nd Nakshatra or 88th path from the natives Jenma Nakshatra. 7. The Guru/Moon getting placed with Kethu within + (or) - 03.20.00 degrees. The Guru/Moon and Kethu getting placed in the same Nakshatra or the same path. 8. The Guru/Moon getting combusted by t